Food and Protection of Food 14

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1. Write answers to the following questions.
a)      Name the constituents of food and give five examples of each.
ANS: The constituents of food are,
Carbohydrates – Rice, Wheat, Jowar, Bajra, corn etc
Proteins – Pulses, legumes, eggs, fish, meat ets
Fats – Butter, oil, margarine, cream, ghee etc
Minerals – Sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus.
Vitamins – Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E.
b)      Name some fibrous foods.
ANS: (1) Fruits and leafy vegetables contain a fibrous substance called cellulose. (2) Since cellulose is not digested, we do not get energy from it.
c)       Why it is necessary to preserve foodstuffs?
ANS: (1) Various measures must be adopted to preserve food grains so that they can be made available whenever they are needed. (2) In this process of preservation, the quality of food has also to be maintained. (3) Various methods are used to preserve food from microorganisms and other pests like insects, mice or rat.
d)      What are the various methods of preserving food?
ANS: (1) To prevent wastage of food we can use various methods such as drying, boiling, storing at low temperature, candying, salting and pasteurization. (2) Besides, certain chemical preservatives can also be used to prevent spoilage of food.
e)      What is meant by pasteurization?
ANS: For storage on a large scale, cold stores are used. To preserve milk from getting spoilt, it is first heated to a temperature of 80°C to destroy any micro-organisms in it and then cooled quickly. This process is called pasteurization. Pasteurization is used to preserve mainly milk as well as juices, curry, soup etc.
f)         Give the names of chemical preservatives.
ANS: Some chemical preservatives
 Sodium metabisulphate            Citric Acid Boric Acid Acetic Acid / Vinegar.
2. Fill in the blanks.
a)        At temperature below 5°C in the refrigerator, micro-organisms stop growing.
b)        Growth of micro-organisms depends on temperature.
c)        To prevent spoilage of potatoes due to sprouting gamma rays are used.
3. Match the following.
Group ‘A’                  Group ‘B’
a) carbohydrates                       2. glucose
b) proteins                                3.amino acids
c) fats                                                       1. glycerol
4. Complete the names of these sugars.
F R U C T O S E               G L U C O S E                  S U C R O S E                   L A C T O S E

5. Give reasons.
a)      We boil milk from time to time.
ANS: (1) Cooked food gets spoilt quickly by the growth of micro-organisms in it. (2) Boiling kills the microorganisms. (3) That is why we have to boil foods like milk, soups and curries from time to time to keep them in good condition.
b)      We should include fibrous substances in our diet.
ANS: (1) Fruits and leafy vegetables contain a fibrous substance called cellulose. (2) Since cellulose is not digested, we do not get energy from it. (3) However, it helps in forming the stools and thus expelling the undigested waste part of food.
Q.6. Doctors diagnosed the following disorders during the school medical examination. What did they tell the children to eat?
1.       Ramesh cannot see clearly at night.
Ans : Ramesh can’t see at night because of a disorder of night blindness. He has deficiency of Vitamin A. He should include Vitamin A rich food in his diet such as red and yellow vegetables and fruits like papaya, carrot, pumpkin ets. He should also take plenty of milk in his diet.
2.       The bones in Rosie’s legs are bent.
Ans: bones in Rosie’s legs are bent because of the deficiency of Vitamin D. Rosie would be advised by doctor to include Vitamin D rich foodstuff in her diet like, cod liver oil, fish, eggs etc. Early morning sun rays can produce vitamin D under the skin.
3.       Neela has bleeding gums.
Ans: Neela has bleeding gums because of deficiency of Vitamin C. Doctor would advise Neela to take Vitamin C rich diet. She should eat citrus fruits like orange, lemon, amla and other sour fruits as they are rich in Vitamin C. Sprouted pulses also contain Vitamin C.
4.       Ahmed has a rough skin.
Ans: Ahmed has a rough skin because of deficiency of Vitamin B. Therefore, doctor would advise him to eat Vitamin B rich foodstuff like sprouted pulses, vegetables, milk and eggs.
7. Write notes.
a)      Adulteration of food
ANS: (1) It is necessary that we eat only safe food. However, we sometimes get adulterated foodstuffs. (2) We must be alert while buying any food items. Adulteration can be detected by simple methods. (3) If we eat adulterated food, we are at the risk of falling ill It is an offence to adulterate foodstuffs. (4) To prevent adulteration of food, it is inspected by the Food and Drug Administration department. (5) We should be alert while buying any types of food and drugs.
Example : ………………………………….. (WRITE EXAMPLES)
b)      Use of a refrigerator.
ANS: (1) Using refrigerator we can keep food fresh and away from microorganisms in hygienic conditions. (2) The growth of micro-organisms depends upon temperature. If food is preserved at low temperatures, it lasts longer and better. (3) In a cool place, leafy vegetables remain fresh for a longer time. (4) To preserve milk, leafy vegetables, fruits, cooked food it is necessary to store them at low temperatures. (5) Micro-organisms cannot grow at the temperature inside a refrigerator, i.e. at 5°C, and food remains safe in it.
c)       Cold stores.

ANS: (1) Micro-organisms cannot grow at low temperature, i.e. at 5°C, and food remains safe. (2) Therefore, for storage of milk, fruits or vegetables on a large scale, cold stores are used. (3) However, they get spoilt if the warehouses are not maintained properly. (4) Jams or pickles get spoilt if their jars are not properly sealed or if they do not contain the right proportion of sugar or salt. (5) Micro-organisms from air enter the jars and funguses grow on them. (6) Therefore, warehouses should be well maintained to preserve food and prevent wastage