1. Answer the following questions:
(a) What is meant by autotrophic living things?
ANS: (1) Living things need food to survive.
Some living things can make their own food. They are called autotrophs. Example:
Plants make their own food with the help of sunlight.
(b) What is a balanced diet?
ANS: (1) All living things need food for growth
and to repair the wear and tear of their bodies.
(2) For good nourishment, it
is important that carbohydrates, proteins, fats as well as minerals and
vitamins are provided in proper proportion.
(3) A diet which includes all these
constituents in the right proportion is called a balanced diet.
(c) What is assimilation?
ANS: (1) In multicellular animals, food is taken
through the mouth.
(2) It passes from the mouth into the alimentary canal.
As it moves forward, food constituents are broken down by action of enzymes
into simple chemical substances which are absorbed into the blood.
(4) They are
then used for the growth or repairs the body. This is called assimilation.
(d) How does osmosis takes place in roots?
ANS: (1) The salt solution in the soil enters the
root of the plant by a process called osmosis.
(2) This is function of the root
hairs near the tip of the root.
(3) There is a cell membrane, cell wall around
the root hair.
(4) The fluid in the cells of the root hair is concentrated.
The salt and water in the soil pass through the semipermeable cell membrane
into the cell.
(6) Gradually, the salt solution reaches the inner part of the
root and through the stem to all parts of the plants.
(e) What factors are required by plants for making food?
ANS: Plants require sunlight, cholorphyll, carbon
dioxide, and water for making the food.
2. Fill in the blanks:
(a) An amoeba moves with help of pseudopodia.
(b) Plants need light, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and water for making food.
(c) The saliva is secreted by
the salivary glands in mixed in the food, in the mouth itself.
(d) The carbon dioxide in the air in the jar is absorbed
by potassium hydroxide.
3. Give reasons:
(a) Raisins soaked in water swells up after some time.
ANS: (1) There is sugar solution inside the cells
of raisins.
(2) The cells are covered by semipermeable membrane.
(3) The water
around the cells enter the cells through the cell membrane and raisins become
(4) This process is called osmosis.
(5) Therefore raisins soaked in
water swells up after some time.
(4) Match the following
(a) Salivary gland 2.
Digestion of carbohydrates
(b) Gall bladder 4.
Regulation of sugar level
(c) Pancreas 3.
Digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
(d) Stomach 1.
Making food acidic
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